Water & Power Development Authority WAPDA Jobs July 2024
Water & Power Development Authority WAPDA Latest Jobs July 2024
Water & Power Development Authority WAPDA
JOB OPPORTUNITIES: WAPDA invites applications from suitable / eligible candidates against the following posts on regular basis under Glacier Monitoring & Research Center:
Jr. Store Keeper
- BPS: 11
- Number of Posts: 01
- Qualification/Experience: Matric along with Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE)
- Age Limit: 18-30 years
- Quota: Punjab (Open) = 01
- BPS: 08
- Number of Posts: 01
- Qualification/Experience: F.Sc.
- Age Limit: 18-30 years
- Quota: Punjab (Open) = 01
Applicants are advised to read the following instructions carefully before filling the prescribed application form available on M/s OTS website (https://ots.org.pk/). The advertisement is also available on WAPDAโs website (www.wapda.gov.pk).
General Conditions & Instructions:
- Written test shall be conducted by M/s OTS & interview will be conducted by WAPDA.
- General age relaxation of 05 years has already been included in the age limit. 03 years age relaxation shall be admissible to the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Buddhist Community.
- Upper age limit is relaxable up to 10 years for Govt. / WAPDA employees who have completed 02 years continuous regular service on the closing date of receipt of applications.
- Age will be calculated as on last date of receipt of applications.
- The candidates already serving in WAPDA shall apply through WAPDA HR Division and submit requisite NOC / permission.
- Govt. employees may apply through proper channel and submit requisite NOC / permission.
- Educational Certificates / Degrees must be verified from HEC Recognized Universities / Concerned Boards / Institutes.
- Original documents shall be presented by the candidates at the time of interview.
- The initial appointment shall be on probation for a period of 01 year and regularization subject to satisfactory performance. However, the services may be dispensed with without any notice in case of unsatisfactory work & conduct during the probation period.
- The candidates who have been weeded out of service on disciplinary ground as well as dismissed or debarred for future employment are not eligible to apply.
- WAPDA reserves the right to withhold / cancel the recruitment process at any stage.
- No TA / DA will be admissible to candidates for test / interview.
- Applications carrying incomplete / incorrect information or received after last date shall be rejected.
- Any information of candidates found bogus at any stage during induction or later in service shall result in termination thereof.
How to Apply:
- Candidates may visit M/s OTS website (www.ots.org.pk) for registration and submission of applications within 15 days of publication of advertisement.
- Candidates shall pay test fee of Rs. 200/- to OTS. Test fee shall be paid in any Branch of Bank Alfalah, HBL or ABL on prescribed Bank Challan form downloadable from website: www.ots.org.pk.
- Candidate must specify the post against which he / she is applying.
- Candidates are required to send complete prescribed application form along with attested copies of all educational documents, domicile certificate, CNIC and relevant documents / experience certificates, two recent passport size photographs as well as original fee Challan through courier service / Pakistan Post etc. to Manager Operations (WAPDA) Open Testing Service, Office No.1, Central Avenue, Bahria Town Phase-VI, Islamabad.
- Candidates will be informed through text message by OTS regarding roll no. slips, test centers, test date, timing etc.
- Applications submitted by hand or received after due date shall not be entertained.
- After applying for post(s), applicants are advised to regularly check Testing Agencyโs website: www.ots.org.pk for important announcement (procedure for roll number slip / written test schedule / result etc.) related to recruitment against applied posts.
For any information / query regarding application, test, roll no. slip, test center, result etc., candidates may contact OTS at +92 051 111 687 222, 051-8851008 or info@ots.org.pk.
Director (Recruitment) WAPDA B-26, WAPDA House, Lahore. Email: dgrecftt@wapda.gov.pk | 042-99200483
PID(L)97 Website: www.wapda.gov.pk PRD(L)/WAPDA/006(2024-25) Donate for Diamer Basha & Mohmand Dams
Job Location: Lahore
Last Date to Apply: 27 July 2024
Published Date: 12 July 2024
Newspaper: Dawn

Water & Power Development Authority WAPDA Jobs July 2024
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